Tuesday, May 17, 2011

What Will the Remnant-Bride of Christ Look Like, Who Will They Be?

What Will the Remnant of Christ Look Like, Who Will They Be?

By Tamara “Tami” Blue

This question came to me today, “What will the Remnant of Christ look like and who will they be?” It was almost as if Holy Spirit was speaking that question to me yet answering the question at the same time. Just as quickly as the question came so did some of the answers. I was going to start out by reading my Bible but pondering that question further was so strong in my spirit that I decided to close my eyes for a moment, then grab my note pad and sit with Holy Spirit as He showed me who the Remnant would be, what they would look like and what attributes they would have…

First of all, in the dictionary Remnant means: 1) something left over; a remainder. 2) A piece of fabric remaining after the rest has been used or sold. 3) A surviving trace or vestige 4) A small surviving group of people. *Often used in the plural.

The Remnant of Christ will not be man’s false notion of greatness. They will be meek, humble, they will be despised… They will be the foolish things, the “are-not’s” of 1 Corinthians 1:27-28. They will be the ones who know that greater is it to be last than to be first. They will not be lovers of self. Though they live in the world, they know they are not of it. They are Heavenly minded people, a cluster of well-seasoned, fully ripened grapes handpicked by God Himself. They did not first choose Him but He chose them out of the things of the world to be His very own. Their affections are for Him and Him alone. They know that to love one another is to love Him. They have learned the ways of love from the author of love, Father God and the living example of love, Jesus Christ.

The Remnant of Christ is a people that have been appointed to deliver good news to the poor. They bring comfort to the brokenhearted & weary. They proclaim freedom to all who’ve been oppressed, bound and or imprisoned. They comfort the mourners. Favor is upon them not of the world but from God Himself. God’s fury against the enemy burns within them. They see beauty among the ashes. They are givers of jubilant joy, paving the way to praise and away from mourning and despair. They are as a mighty oak tree that cannot be moved. They are builders, building up that which the enemy has sought to tear down and destroy. They have a shout within them and blasts through them- “ARISE & SHINE, WAKE UP OU T OF YOUR SLUMBER FOR THE TIME HAS COME!”

The Remnant of Christ are called Saint’s, Priests, ministers of God. Yet, titles mean little to them. They once knew shame and dishonor but their God & KING has given them double portion of everlasting joy as their inheritance and they prosperous in His ways. They are lovers of what is right and true, lovers of justice. They abhor/hate robbery and wrongdoings. Those who live in darkness are jealous of them, seeking to tear them down and take them out of their way. BUT- their God & KING are jealous for them and avenges the Remnant, the Bride for they are His beloved!

They will stop at nothing short of victory in Christ united and knit together in the bonds of love firmly rooted to the ONE and only true vine. They will not waver in their devotion to God or His promises. They are hopeful, filled with grace and mercy, joy is their strength. They will have a love not their own but one that is infused into the depths of who they are by the ONE and only living God. It is a love unlike any other and radiates, draws, soothes and invites the hungry, the lost, the weary, the brokenhearted, the downcast, the rejected, the despised… all the ones that the world says have no worth. This very love that they are infused with say’s they are of great worth, they are wanted and they are loved with an eternal love. The love that they will exhibit towards one another will cause others to marvel, question, wonder… the love they have is powerful and matched only to the love they have for Christ Jesus.

The Remnant of God are not a jealous, envious or contentious cluster. They are a resolute group, their eyes are set in a steady gaze, fixed on the ONE who leads them to victory. They march in a forward march united, stepping in unison one with another. They will not allow one to be left behind, nor one to fall. The march will stop momentarily in order that all march together as ONE. They are gentle as doves, demonstrate great wisdom and are fearless as roaring lions. To die to them is gain and to live is to live for Christ and Him alone.

The Remnant of Christ are not haughty, arrogant or proud. There are no rocks stars among them, only Jesus Christ who is the Rock of their salvation. They are a caring bunch, giving to those who have need, hospitable of ONE heart and ONE mind. They see potential in all and willingly offer encouragement of each individual’s gifts, talents and callings of God. They help to shepherd others onto Christ who is the leader over them all. They’re desire is that of their Leader, that none should perish but all would taste, see and live the eternal life.

They are a people of the second chance. But not just the second chance but also, the third, fourth, fifth, sixth… chance. They are fully aware that none are deserving, all have fallen short but via the free gift of grace they have abounded much more. Sin is not their master because grace now reigns over them through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ.

These clusters, this Remnant of Christ have found each other by Divine connect. They were ones that were once alone, wandering the wilderness in search of the true, the committed, the ONES who God Himself has called, destined and linked together to form the Bride of Christ. They are as warriors outfitted with the armor of God. They stand strong and have girded their waists with truth; breastplates of righteousness; their feet are shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; in one hand they carry the shield of faith which is able to withstand any fiery dart of the wicked one. On their heads is the helmet of salvation and in the other hand they wield the sword of the spirit, which is the Word of God.

Yet, they are a Bride clothed in pure white having been washed thoroughly via the shed blood of the perfect lamb. They have spent time in Holy Spirits spa- having been scrubbed down by the Launderers soap and are sparkling white, the purest white, like snow yet even brighter- whiter, glowing, radiating, shining the way to the ONE who is truth and life. This Bride is so beloved of the Bridegroom; He takes great delight in His Remnant Bride. His love blazes for her as a burning torch. He has bestowed the best of the Heaven’s jewels upon her. Within those jewels are the many facets of the Godhead. This Remnant Bride is victorious, yet beautiful. She is valiant, yet humble and holiness shines all around her.

What will the Remnant of Christ look like and who will they be? They might be you and me. They will be men and women, children and elderly united in ONE pursuit, that of the coming God & KING. They will be united firmly together and with God at the culmination of all things birthing ultimate destiny, that of Heaven on Earth where eternal peace & righteousness will reign forever more.

My prayer is that we all would be accounted as the Remnant-Bride of Christ. This is my earnest desire, my passion and the hope of my calling and yours. Be blessed!


Leah said...

Good stuff, Tamara..... I have been seeking out the true remnant.....praying to be connected. I know they are there. I know.
Thank you for this post and I look forward to reading more.

Tamara "Tami" Blue said...

Thank you so much Leah for your encouragement. It is so refreshing when we meet others of like mind, heart, spirit and pursuits. God bless you as you stand and persevere in His truths!

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